This site has been designed from ideas developed from the very successful catch recording website of the Hutton Rudby Fly Fishing club in North Yorkshire. It enables anglers to record their catches throughout the season, and in doing so benefitting other anglers who can see how the fishing is. It also provides the basis for accurate catch analysis to enable developments, statistical and historic comparisons.
About Us
We are a small team of anglers within the Hutton Rudby Club, consisting of Andy the developer and Scott, the ideas man. We plan to continue to develop and polish the system to meet club’s requirements.
Our Story
The Hutton Rudby club rules state that all members must provide their catch data, otherwise they lose their membership. Five years ago, Andy decided that the hit and miss system of paper log books and spreadsheets needed bringing into the 21st century. It took a few years to get all the members using it, but now even the those who are ‘challenged’ by a keyboard fully use the system. We know lots of other clubs have similar rules and we decided to share our best practice with them. Designed to be easy to use, by everyone, desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones all work.
If you are interested in trying our site then please get in touch for more information and details at
Andy & Scott